Aloe arborescens and carrot

In 2006 we demonstrated the synergistic effect between Carrot and Aloe arborescens, so much so that we were able to obtain from the Ministry of Productive Activities the PATENT as “Vegetable mixture with energetic and cosmetic therapeutic activities”.

The synergy between Carrot and Aloe arborescens has a greater therapeutic action than the same components taken individually, in practice Aloe enhances even more its therapeutic action if combined with carrot.

This “Therapeutic Blend” has then become the basis for all our ALOEPLUS® products, which together with the HDR PROCESSING METHOD, make them UNIQUE products on the market.

We work every day with a view to continuous improvement, carrying out experiments with both existing products and new products for an ever greater satisfaction of our customers.

Unlike our competitors who produce and market not only other types of Aloe, but also herbs and vegetable substances of various kinds, we are SPECIALIZED only and exclusively in the processing of Aloe Arborescens.


Let’s start from a fixed point and that is that the Aloe plant is unique in nature, for the amount of active ingredients contained in it.

There are over 250 varieties, but the best known and especially those with health and medicinal properties are Aloe Vera (barbadensis) and Aloe Arborescens, so the choice is essentially reduced to these two varieties.

We have made the choice to use
Aloe arborescens
. You might think that the characteristics are the same and instead have a different concentration of active ingredients:

Amino acids


  • Aloe Arborescens 57ppm 60% 60%
  • Aloe Vera 21ppm 30% 30%


  • Aloe Arborescens 17ppm 20% 20%
  • Aloe Vera 14ppm 25% 25%


  • Aloe Arborescens 21ppm 20% 20%
  • Your Title Goes Here 25% 25%


  • Aloe Arborescens 21ppm 20% 20%
  • Aloe Vera 14ppm 25% 25%


  • Aloe Arborescens 113ppm 80% 80%
  • Aloe Vera 17ppm 20% 20%


  • Aloe Arborescens 20ppm 30% 30%
  • Aloe Vera 14ppm 10% 10%


  • Aloe Arborescens 19ppm 20% 20%
  • Aloe Vera 14ppm 30% 30%



  • Aloe Arborescens 103ppm 100% 100%
  • Aloe Vera 12.76ppm 20% 20%


  • Aloe Arborescens 69ppm 70% 70%
  • Aloe Vera 6ppm 20% 20%


  • Aloe Arborescens 287ppm 100% 100%
  • Aloe Vera 46ppm 15% 15%


  • Aloe Arborescens 23ppm 27% 27%
  • Aloe Vera 24ppm 29% 29%


  • Aloe Arborescens 0.5ppm 30% 30%
  • Aloe Vera 0.7ppm 10% 10%


  • Aloe Arborescens 0.40ppm 10% 10%
  • Aloe Vera 0.08ppm 5% 5%


  • Aloe Arborescens 5.60ppm 10% 10%
  • Aloe Vera 1.19ppm 30% 30%

Since it is much more effective, why do not all use Aloe Arborescens and almost all the products on the market contain Aloe Vera?

The answer is very simple: the lower yield in terms of production, makes its cost much higher. The high yield of the leaves and the easy transformability of the pulp into a drinking gel, has made Aloe Vera the most used and known in the world. On the contrary, Aloe arborescens, given the enormous difficulty of processing, which can only be done manually, has been relegated to the background despite being far superior in terms of active ingredients.

We use only Organic Aloe arborescens from Italian crops, which is expertly processed by hand in our laboratories and thanks to our cold processing method, allows to obtain an extract of Aloe arborescens rich in active ingredients contained throughout the leaf and not only from the internal gel.

The world of this extraordinary plant is so wide, fascinating and full of new things to discover that one life is not enough to know all its secrets and all its potential.

More and more veterinarians in Italy but also abroad, rely on the properties of Aloeplus® for the treatment and prevention of diseases that afflict our dear four-legged friends. The therapeutic use of Aloe has now become a permanent part of the remedies present in veterinary environments.

All veterinary medicine studies demonstrate a great effectiveness of Aloe-based therapies, denying the conviction of all those people who attribute the benefits to a psychosomatic effect.

In addition, our exclusive HDR Method allows us to cold extract the active ingredients of the entire leaf and not only of the entire leaf gel.

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